“It’s about the future leadership of the church. It’s about community. The priest is essential in the life of the church.” – Fr. Bill Rutkowski
An average of eight men from the Saginaw Diocese per year decide to dedicate their lives to faith by becoming priests. One way the diocese can support these special few is by offering several outreach programs for men who are considering the vocation, and pays for the seminary education of each one who follows through. The Bishop Carlson Endowment and several other funds support vocations and seminarian education administered by the Saginaw Catholic Diocese.
“If they are willing to give their lives over to the church, we are willing to make that investment in them,” said Fr. Bill Rutkowski, who runs the program for the diocese. “It’s about the future leadership of the church. It’s about community. The priest is essential in the life of the church.”
Fr. Rutkowski pointed out that a community benefits greatly when it is led by one of its own.
“When you are brought up in an area, you understand the area and the history. You know the people,” Fr. Rutkowski said. “It brings a degree of closeness. People feel connected.”