Our Catholic Schools: Auburn Area Catholic School

With the help of endowment grants from the Catholic Community Foundation of Mid Michigan (CCFMM), Auburn Area Catholic Schools recently added a portable annex to house technology and Spanish classes, and a library.

The addition comes just in time. The extra space is needed to accommodate the growing enrollment in grades preK to 5. Currently, there are 107 students, more than double from the 50 students who attended nine years ago.

“We are 100 percent bigger than we used to be,” said Clark Switalski, principal. “We needed to expand.”

Switalski also credits the district’s growth, in part, to funding from CCFMM including the Msgr. Forbes Endowment Fund for Auburn Area Catholic Schools, The Auburn Area Catholic School Endowment Fund and the Don and Jean Bouckaert Memorial Scholarship Endowment Fund.

The majority of the $10,000 annual endowment distributions are used for tuition assistance. Switalski said new families are offered $500 tuition discounts for the first two years.

“The more students who can experience Catholic education, the better,” he said. “We have reasonable tuition, a family atmosphere and a sense of community that extends to the members of our parish.

In fact, the principal said when the school needed help moving items into their new annex, members of the parish volunteered along with parents and students to get the work done.

“It comes down to everyone working together,” he said.



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