On September 8th, 2020 we said farewell to Mary Beth Curtiss, administrative liaison to the Bishop, as she enters retirement after serving over 11 years in the Diocese. Mary Beth and her husband Tim are retiring to Arizona where three of their four daughters currently reside.
Mary Beth’s commitment and hospitality has shown brightly in every aspect during her time at the Diocese. She has been a joyful resource to priests, parishes, community leaders, the Catholic Community Foundation and to so many others.
Mary Beth was a member of the board of directors for Little Books, a trusted adviser for the Catholic Community Foundation of Mid-Michigan, and a gifted communicator. Her past professional experience included serving as the global brand identity manager for the Dow Chemical Company and she brought this expertise to communications.
Although Mary Beth looks forward to the next chapter in her life, she also shared that, “The one pause I have in my decision to retire is that I will no longer be here to assist Bishop Gruss in realizing his amazing vision for the diocese. The “new advent, the new springtime” he so prophetically spoke to during his installation homily last year is already in our midst. I believe that Bishop Gruss will lead us, individually and collectively, to be transformed in Christ. His inspiration, his homilies and writings, and his example of placing Jesus at the center of his life will forever live in me.”
In the coming weeks, the Diocese of Saginaw will be posting a job description and begin a formal search for Mary Beth’s replacement.
To celebrate and show our gratitude to Mary Beth, the Catholic Community Foundation of Mid-Michigan has created the Mary Beth Curtiss Endowment for the Bishop’s Mission. This fund will be used to care for the faithful entrusted to the Bishop.
“The endowment will ensure that Mary Beth’s love for the Diocese of Saginaw and its many ministries will continue in perpetuity,” said Kristin Smith, executive director of the foundation.
Our prayers are with you Mary Beth as you journey on to the next mission in your life. You will truly be missed, thank you for the impact that you have made in all our lives.