With education grants, we can help form responsible, inspired adults who think about others, the communities they live in and have a desire to help care for them.
– Lisa Seeley, Principal, St. Mary Catholic School
St. Mary Catholic School Principal Lisa Seeley says a Catholic school education, a recipient of Catholic Community Foundation of Mid-Michigan grant funding, is about more than teaching the basics of reading, writing, and math.
“While our school is committed to academic excellence and to forming the child into a lifelong disciple of Christ, we also want our students and their families to become responsible stewards of the parish, the community, and the world,” Lisa says. “The education grant we received from the Foundation gives us that opportunity by providing funding for programs that educate and impact the student’s whole family.”
At St. Mary, grant-funded programs, such as special events and newsletters, expand opportunities for family involvement in the parish and Church. This strengthens the faith journey of every family member and promotes family discipleship that can sustain the parish and the school into the future.