May God fill you with joy and peace, so you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Support the Priests and Seminarians
of the Diocese of Saginaw
In support of the priests and seminarians of the Diocese of Saginaw, the CCFMM has created monthly calendars designating each day to priests and or seminarians of our Diocese. The CCFMM welcomes prayers for clergy and vocations in the Diocese of Saginaw to further the mission of Bishop Robert Gruss and the Catholic Church.
We will be posting these calendars to our website and our Facebook page to encourage continued prayers of support for our priests and seminarians.
Click here to view our prayer calendars!
Feel free to contact us!
Kristin Smith, Executive Director: 989.303.9201

Who We Are
The Catholic Community Foundation of Mid-Michigan is a non-profit organization whose mission is to develop and manage funds to secure and further God’s work in our communities.
Learn more about our mission and vision.
We have a variety of endowed funds to support Catholic schools and students, the poor and those in need, ministry, and other donor advised charities.